Capital Improvement Projects
In Progress:
Groundwater Recharge System (LID)
This project at the Cavallaro Transit Center on Kings Village Road will provide parking lot features to reduce stormwater volumes, improve water quality and increase groundwater recharge through the capture and treatment of stormwater from the south end of the parking lot. This project, funded through the state Department of Water Resources Urban Community Drought Relief Grant Program, enhances improvements that were made on the north end of the parking lot in 2016. Learn more.
- Status: The project is nearing completion, with the contractor completing final punch list items. All storm drain systems have been connected, new plants have been planted, the new irrigation systems installed and the split rail fencing system has been installed.
Grace Way Well
The Grace Way Well Project involves drilling a new production well at 5299 Scotts Valley Drive. The Grace Way Well will be approximately 970 feet deep and will include a 14-inch stainless steel well casing. Water produced from this well site comes from the Butano and Lompico aquifers. Water will be conveyed from the well site to the El Pueblo Water Treatment Plant for filtration and disinfection before it's pumped into the District's distribution system. Sign up for project updates by email.
- Status: Construction of the Grace Way Well is in progress. See the most recent updates here.
Intertie #1- Scotts Valley-City of Santa Cruz Water System Interconnection
The grant-funded $9.45M project will connect the Santa Cruz Water Department system with the Scotts Valley Water District and San Lorenzo Valley Water District to create a more resilient regional water supply.
In early 2022, the Department of Water Resources funded a 9,200-foot intertie between the City's and the Scotts Valley Water District's water service areas. The intertie will enable the districts to evaluate real opportunities to coordinate and maximize use of surface and groundwater supplies, supporting greater resiliency for water users. Options including both passive and active recharge of the Santa Margarita Groundwater Basin, along with potential water-banking strategies, will be considered. Importantly, the intertie will also improve fire protection through increased fire-response flows.
- Status: Construction is anticipated to begin in early spring 2025 and last 12-18 months. Get projects updates here.
Bethany Tank Rehabilitation
Bethany Tank is being evaluated to determine if it can be rehabilitated or replaced.
- Status: The District is in progress with the geotechnical investigation of the Bethany Tank site to determine if the existing tank site will support the recommended concept plan.
Monte Fiore Pump Station Rehab
The pump station will be redesigned to meet current industry standards, including creating better access to piping, replacing antiquated control panels and protecting equipment from the elements with a roofed structure.
- Status: In planning stages.
Glenwood Tank Stabilization
A landslide occurred below the tank during storms in 2023, and it needs to be stabilized to protect the tank's integrity.
- Status: The City of Scotts Valley is pursuing FEMA Public Assistance funding for this project.
Recently Completed:
Sucinto Well (3B Replacement)
The new 1,500-foot-deep Sucinto Well was completed in 2024. Site work will be needed to convey Sucinto water to the Orchard Run Treatment Plant for filtration and disinfection.
The new well, located on Sucinto Drive, replaces 30-year-old Well 3B which has been in decline for several years and is located on the same site. The new well has a design capacity of 300+ gallons per minute and will enhance operational efficiencies for the District, which relies solely on local groundwater supplies. Water produced from this well site will be conveyed to the Orchard Run Water Treatment Plant for filtration and disinfection before it's pumped into the distribution system. View the FAQ.
Main Replacement Project
Aged, undersized 2-inch water mains at the end of Bethany Drive were replaced with 6-inch pipes in early Spring 2024.
Hacienda Pump Station
The pump station was redesigned to meet current industry standards, including creating better access to piping, replacing antiquated control panels and protecting equipment from the elements with a roofed structure. The updated pump station is operational and online.
Grace Way Exploratory Borehole
Drilling began in mid-August 2023 and was completed in October. Groundwater from the Butano Aquifer was reached at a depth of 1,000 feet. Geophysical information gained from this exploratory borehole will inform the design of the future Grace Way Well, which will be drilled on the same site in Late Summer-Fall 2024.
Distribution Improvements in Montevalle
Using ground-penetrating radar, crews located 1,500 feet of underground distribution lines in the Montevalle neighborhood.
- Additional Distribution System Improvements in Montevalle
- Corp Yard Improvements
- La Cuesta Pipeline Improvements
- Systemwide Pressure-Reduction Study
- El Pueblo Water Treatment Plant Improvements