
Scotts Valley Water District - Santa Cruz/Scotts Valley Intertie Pipeline to begin construction
Santa Cruz/Scotts Valley Intertie Pipeline to begin construction

City of Santa Cruz Water Department and Scotts Valley Water District Partner on Grant-Funded Pipeline Project

The City of Santa Cruz Water Department and Scotts Valley Water District will soon break ground on a collaborative, $6.5 million intertie pipeline project to connect the two water agencies. The critically important project will dramatically increase system resilience, improve emergency preparedness, and ensure the availability of reliable, safe drinking water for customers of both agencies. 

The intertie will link the potable water systems of the City of Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley Water District by constructing a new 2-mile pipeline and pump station. The pipeline route will include La Madrona Drive, Sims Road and Firehouse Lane. The pipeline is the final link in a regional effort to connect public water systems from Boulder Creek to La Selva Beach. 

Construction is expected to begin at the end of January and last approximately 12 months with anticipated traffic impacts in the area. Funding for the project came from the state Department of Water Resources Grant and both water agencies.

See the press release about the project here.

A community meeting about the project was held on Tuesday, Feb. 4 in Scotts Valley. Get more information and sign up for bi-weekly email updates about the project here

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